2017-2018 ASMC National Recruiters of the Year
Congratulations to this year's Recruiters of the Year, an award given to the one member in each chapter size category who recruited the highest number of new members. These four dedicated members recruited 41 new members in a combined total and will be recognized at the 2018 PDI in Denver. This year's winners are:
- Karren Brunell, Indianapolis Chapter (A1)
- Lillian Powell, Cleveland Chapter (A)
- Theodore J. (Jerry) Short, Southern Maryland Chapter (B)
- Amy Benton, Denali Chapter (C)
Chapter Membership Categories:
A1: 351 members or more
A: 151‐350 members
B: 76‐150 members
C: 75 members or less
2016-2017 ASMC National Recruiters of the Year
Congratulations to this year's Recruiters of the Year, an award given to the one member in each chapter size category who recruited the highest number of new members. These four dedicated members recruited 45 new members in a combined total and will be recognized at the 2017 PDI in San Diego. This year's winners are:
- Kyle Brown, Washington Chapter (A1)
- LCDR Bradley Brunaugh, USCG, Cleveland Chapter (A)
- Winnie Ochoa, Utah Chapter (B)
- Melvin Willis, Charlestowne Chapter (C)
Chapter Membership Categories:
A1: 351 members or more
A: 151‐350 members
B: 76‐150 members
C: 75 members or less