ASMC Cleveland Chapter Election Process
Officers, as prescribed in Article IV of the Cleveland Chapter
Constitution, are elected by providing an election ballot to all active
members and determining the majority vote of members who return
the election ballot within the designated voting period.
The term of office for all officers shall coincide with the fiscal year of
the Chapter (July 1st – June 30th), except the President-Elect, who will automatically ascend to the Chapter Presidency in the
Chapter’s succeeding business year, unless unable or unwilling to do
Any member who wishes to run for an officer position must be nominated by another active member of the Chapter, be a member in good standing and be able to serve in the position for one year. Incumbent officers must either self-nominate or be nominated by another active member if he or she wishes to run for their current position. Each member may only run for one officer position.
A special edition of the Chapter newsletter featuring biographies of the officer candidates is sent to membership prior to the election.
Chapter officer positions include:
The President is responsible for the conduct of the chapter and, when present, shall preside at all meetings of the chapter, including Executive Committee meetings. The President shall be responsible for the enforcement of the By-Laws and resolutions of the National Headquarters and of the rules regulating chapters, and shall keep the National Headquarters fully informed of the affairs of the chapter. The President shall consult the National Headquarters, when necessary, concerning the business of the chapter and its activities. The National Headquarters uses the chapter President as liaison for association business, including the National News and membership rosters.
This President-Elect will oversee the committees assigned by the Chapter President and sign such Chapter documents as may be required. In the temporary absence of – or vacancy in the office of – the Chapter President, this person will perform the duties of the President.
Vice President of Membership:
The VP of Membership will keep an exact roster of the membership, and submit reports to National Headquarters as necessary. In the temporary absence of the President, the Vice-President of Membership will perform the duties of the President. This person will oversee the committees assigned to them by the Chapter President and sign such Chapter documents as may be required.
Vice President of Nominations:
The VP of Nominations will plan and execute the annual election process for officers. The VP of Nominations is also responsible for the planning of the Chapter Booth at the National PDI’s Chapter Fair. This person will oversee the committees assigned to them by the Chapter President and sign such Chapter documents as may be required.
Vice President of Programs:
The VP of Programs will plan membership meetings and publicize them as necessary. The Vice President-Programs will also provide a written summary of the monthly luncheon meetings to the Secretary and the Newsletter Chair. This person will oversee the committees assigned to them by the Chapter President and sign such Chapter documents as may be required.
The Treasurer will receive and deposit all monies of the Chapter; pay its just bills; maintain its tax-exempt number; maintain its books of account; and make appropriate reports on the financial condition of the Chapter to the Chapter President and the Chapter membership as directed. The Treasurer or the President will sign all checks or warrants on the funds of the Chapter. This person will oversee the committees assigned to them by the Chapter President and sign such Chapter documents as may be required. Incumbent remains in this office until the Chapter's books of account are audited/closed and applicable tax returns are filed (approximately 3-4 months after the end of the business year).
The Secretary will record the proceedings of the Chapter’s general Membership, Executive Committee and Planning Board meetings; be custodian of the charter, seal, laws, documents, and papers of the Chapter; maintain contact with ASMC Headquarters; answer correspondence; provide assistance; and, perform other duties as may be directed by the Chapter President. This person will oversee the committees assigned to them by the Chapter President and sign such Chapter documents as may be required.