ASMC Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What does ASMC mean?

A: American Society of Military Comptrollers


Q: What is ASMC?

A: ASMC is the non-profit educational and professional organization for persons, military and civilian, involved in the overall field of military comptrollership. ASMC promotes the education and training of its members, and supports the development and advancement of the profession of military comptrollership. The society provides professional programs to keep members abreast of current issues and encourages the exchange of information, techniques and approaches.


Q: What is the mission statement of ASMC?

To provide professional development and promote ethical behavior in all aspects of Military comptrollership.


Q: What is the history of ASMC?

ASMC was established as the Society of Military Accountants and Statisticians in 1948 in San Antonio, TX, and was open only to active duty officers. Since then, ASMC has expanded to extend membership opportunity to all DoD and Coast Guard Financial Management (FM) personnel, as well as civilian contractors providing FM support to DoD and USCG. In 1991, the national headquarters was opened in Alexandria, VA, and currently serves a growing professional society of more than 20,000 members.


Q: How much does it cost to renew my membership?

A:  The cost for a one-year membership renewal is $45. The cost for a three-year membership renewal is $114.


Q:  Am I eligible to become a member?

A: Any of the following criteria must be met in order to qualify to be a member:

  • Active duty or civilian personnel that works for either the Department of Defense or the United States Coast Guard.
  • Persons who do not meet the above qualification, but are currently employed in a defense financial management related field may apply for an associate membership
  • Persons who are employed in the private sector may apply for a corporate membership


Q: What are the benefits of being a member?

A: The benefits include: networking opportunities at social events, monthly luncheons with a guest speaker, opportunities to attend training events, opportunities to become active in leadership within the organization, and the chance to be part of a professional organization at a low cost. For additional benefits, please visit the link below:


Q: How do I obtain my member number? 

A: Please visit the Member Services section of the ASMC national web site.


Q: How do I update my profile? 

A: Please visit the Member Services section of the ASMC national web site.


Q: How do I change my password?

A: Please visit the Member Services section of the ASMC national web site.


Q: How do I become a member or renew my membership?

A: You may join or renew by mail or online by clicking here

CDFM Questions

Q: What is the CDFM?

A: The American Society of Military Comptrollers (ASMC) offers the Certified Defense Financial Manager (CDFM) educational program and certification designation to those persons desiring to demonstrate proficiency in the core aspects of defense financial management.

The DoD Authorization Act FY2012 signed by President Obama empowers the Secretary of Defense to "… prescribe professional certification and credential standards" for the defense financial management community. The CDFM is one of the DoD-approved Test-Based Certifications recommended for Certification Levels 2 and 3 of the DoD FM Certification Program.


Q: What steps do I have to take in order to enroll for the CDFM exam?

A: You may enroll for the exam online, or by mailing the paper CDFM Enrollment form to ASMC Headquarters.  If you are an ASMC member, you may complete the paper form and send it to Kira Swanson (  After your application is accepted, you will receive an Authorization Letter or e-mail from ASMC with your candidate ID number and the procedures to follow in registering for the modules examinations.  Enrollment forms may be found here.


Q: How long do I have to pass the CDFM exam?

A: You have two years from the date of your Authorization Letter to pass the three module examinations.  The fourth module is optional.  If you pass the fourth module, you will earn a CDFM with an acquisition specialty (CDFM-A).


Q: Do I have to take all three modules at the same time or in a specific order?

A: No. You may take module examinations one at a time, in any order that you choose.


Q: What is the difference between the CDFM, CGFM, and the Federal Financial Management Certificate Program?

A: The CDFM program is for persons interested in displaying proficiency in the core aspects of defense financial management.  the CGFM is more applicable to general government financial management - federal, state and local.  The Federal Financial Management Certificate Program is offered through Management Concepts and involves taking a variety of courses.


Q: What are the benefits of obtaining a CDFM?

A: The Under Secretary of Defense, Robert F. Hale (CDFM) states, "Earning a CDFM proves that an employee has obtained the knowledge and experience to become certified and adhere to a code of ethics and professionalism."  Additionally, the CDFM may set you apart from others, lead to career advancement, and provide you with the opportunity to serve in leadership positions.


Q: Who else has obtained the CDFM?



Q: Is the Enhanced Defense Financial Management Training Course (EDFMTC) required in order to sit for the CDFM exam?

A: No. However, the course is strongly encouraged for those who are preparing for an exam.


Q: What are the best ways to prepare for the exam?

A: It depends on your own personal studying methods. The EDFMTC textbook is provided to those who attend the one-week training course. The ASMC Cleveland Chapter typically has copies of the textbook that may be checked out by ASMC members.


Q: Will passing the CDFM exam get me a promotion?

A: No. A promotion is not guaranteed after passing the CDFM exam but it could make a difference.


Q: Do I have to be an Accountant in order to sit for the CDFM exam?

A: No. You may sit for the exam regardless if you are an Accountant or not.


Q: What are the educational requirements to sit for the exam?

A: You must have a high school diploma or equivalent.


Q: What are the financial management experience requirements to sit for the exam?

A: You do not have to satisfy the experience requirement in order to sit for the exam.  However, after you pass the exam, you must satisfy one of the following experience requirements BEFORE being issued your CDFM certificate:

  • Complete 4 years of federal government related financial management experience (with an associate degree or higher) -OR-
  • Complete 3 years of Defense related financial management experience (without a degree) -OR-
  • Complete 2 years of Defense related financial management experience (with an associate degree or higher)


Q: If I do not have any financial management experience, can I still enroll in the Enhanced Defense Financial Management Training Course (EDFMTC) class?

A: Yes.  No previous experience is required.


Q: What are the fees associated with obtaining and maintaining a CDFM?

A: The fees are as follows:

$75.00     Enrollment fee for non-members

$40.00     Enrollment fee for ASMC members

$75.00     Extension of enrollment fee for ASMC members

$85.00     Extension of enrollment fee for non-members

$99.00     One-module examination fee

$297.00    Three-module examination fee

$396.00    Four-module examination fee

$99.00      Re-examination fee per module

$25.00      Recertification fee for ASMC members (every 24 months after obtaining CDFM)

$45.00      Recertification fee for non-members (every 24 months after obtaining CDFM)


Q: How do I receive reimbursement for my CDFM examination fees?

A: You are authorized to be reimbursed for all module exams only if you pass.  You must first fill out an SF1164 form with your supervisor's signature in Block 8.  Along with the form, verification of payment of the exam and passing of the exam must be e-mailed or faxed to DFASCERTIFICATIONREIMBURSEMENT@DFAS.MIL or 317-510-2116/2195.  If you participate in an on-site exam, a memo will be provided to you from a member of the CDFM committee reflecting your payment information.

If you don't find the answers to your questions, please visit: ASMC National FAQs.


If you have any questions not listed online, please utilize the Contact Us page or e-mail